Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Waiheke Island

The ferry from Coromandel at Oriapu on the South East part of the Island. Steep windy road through forest and then up into the hills. Very hot and sweating buckets but great riding. Eventually arrived at Onetangi Beach and found a cold beer in a cafe (not something I have done much on this trip) but it was very welcome. Then headed for the one and only campsite which isn`t actually signposted anywhere. Anyway realised I`d gone the way after a few hills the wrong way and spotted a lady doing some gardening. After telling me it was a way back Trisha offereed me a stay at her place which was a rather smart place being decorated. Basically with its own private beach with water clear as glass I had a nice swim at sunset and then relaxed in the Spa Pool under the stars before my comfy bed. if anyone fancy`s a luxury retreat on Waiheke.
Next morning headed off to the ferry terminal which had a very exact parking sign for those of you who appreciate life`s details.

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