Friday, 25 January 2008

Opoutere - Opito Beach

Lovely windy road and nice cool misty weather. Stayed the night at Hahei not far from Hot Water Beach. If you find the right spot at low tide and dig a shallow hole in the sand you can make your own thermal pool. Well low tide was 11.30 pm so I`m wandering around the beach with my torch until after about half an hour my feet are suddenly hot but the waves are still rolling in while I stand there feeling a bit foolish. It was kind of cool (well hot) but possibly not worth the extra bike ride and effort involved. Was talking to someone the next day and it turned out the offshore typhoon meant that the tide was much higher than usual.
Next day went to Cathedral Bay which is a 30 minute walk from near Hei hei. An awesome little bay with a big old rock in the most interesting shape and a big cavern open at both ends. (hmmm there`s probably a word for that isn`t there dear reader)
Got the little passengar ferry over to Whitianga and spent the night north east of there off a side road. Beautiful remote place called Opito which had a great simple campsite. I camped next to a haybarn which was good for breakfast as it was pretty windy. Barns smell so good. (Well this one did anyway)

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