Friday, 4 January 2008



christine said...

your pics are terrific James -- however they are bigger than my screen -- clicking on the squares brings them up but I can't see the entire pic unless I save it and open with another program.

You have been very speedy - I bet you wish you had six months - or a year - to enjoy more all the fabulous corners of NZ you have been whizzing through. This country is full of surprises isn't it!?

Good luck for the last few weeks of your adventure. Glad you have discovered the bike's name and personality.. shades of Neville Peat and 'Blue' ('Detours'1982 pub.Whitcoulls- fabulous book ).

Regards CJ McKenzie Fortrose-Otara

Anonymous said...


it rains
it rains
splashing and
in the puddles without wellies,
and so much mud.

The umbrella is always elsewhere,and i dream of a landscape such as those that i see on your blog.
i dream of a beach and the cliffs such as you find in cornwall on a fine day in July...
so must be contented with viewing your photographs.
from mum who loves you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Christine - yes indeed I do wish I had more time. The East Cape has been amazing. Anyway all about that when I do my next update in a couple of days. As to picture size I don`t really know how to get a compromise on that one. I think it works OK on big monitors but hopefully on the Blog size will be sufficient. Not great at all this computer stuff. I am a luddite at heart...

Anna said...

Hello James(and Monty). You are seeing such amazing landscape. I am thinking I must come to New Zealand next winter. Life is pretty cool, work, college, lovely new house, everyone well. Loving living so near friends, feels like I live in a village.
Someone at work asked me today when you were coming home and I nearly got a bit tearful, realised it will be a year since I've seen you soon. I have text you my new home number, next time you're near a phone, ring me!!! Lots of love from your little sister xxx