Thursday, 15 November 2007

5 more days left in Wanaka. Big shout out to YHA NZ who have given me some much needed Kiwi weather-proof clothing and extra bike bits for the trip and providing me with some free accomodation along the way. Johno for organising it, Jules for her general support and media savvy, Nicky for her technical expertise and Susie for her camera. Thanks guys!


winnie the pooh said...

Bon voyage, may the sun shine on you and your endeavor. May your legs go well.
Looking forward to seeing the journey unfold.
Love you, Mum xx

winnie the pooh said...

great photo of you on a barmy bike
x mum , hope the food in the pack lasts out...

MUM said...

my email was incorrectly registered so am using this one too
should have been