Sunday, 30 December 2007
Friday, 28 December 2007
Now the ferry had quite busy tiles on the upper deck. Do you remember those Magic Eye books? You know, the ones with the pictures that you stare into the middle distance with and you can see shapes of animals or cars and stuff once your brain adjusts. Well you can kind of do the same thing with these tiles only you don`t see pictures but it all goes kind of extra dimensional and clearer and slightly bigger. And I wondered if it would come out on a computer. Well it does, try it. This is an excellent alternative to work for you office workers out there.
Jimbob, you`re a freak.
The Interislander ferry to Wellinton
The ferry ride was grand when we finally set off. You go right out to the sea through Queen Charlotte Sound and there is a deck at the top and also this atrium thing out the back where you can sit surrounded by a big glass viewing area.
Elaine Bay - Aussie Bay
Nice short ride to Elaine Bay the next day(well aside from the fact it was another bloody great hill) but at only 17k pretty cruisy day. Lovely weather and nice little DOC campground near the harbour. There was a hammock near my tent which I used and all very relaxing.
I had asked at Akiwi Bay if it was possible to cycle along the walking track which connected with Tennyson Inlet, a few k`s around the coastline. Oh yes, you`ll have no problem the guy told me in a sort of `couldn`t be easier you barely have to pedal` sort of voice. Well, set off, and followed a logging track and all pretty mellow and then the path got thinner and more overgrown and then some streams to wade through and fallen trees blocking the path and various other things and greasy tree roots where the bike slips from under you nearly tumbling me into the forest below and then I caught my foot in the wheel and cut my toe and it turned into the kind of mission that I really wasn`t up for and nobody in their right mind would want to do. So.... covered the 9k distance to the proper road in about 2 hours which is actually slower than if I had walked it, which is of course what the track is intended for. Grrr....
The road out was awesome massive long climb but fantastic view of Tennyson Inlet and then with the wind behind me the rest of the way practically flew past Pelorus Bridge and Havelock and arrived 15 k before Picton at a little DOC campgound by the sea called Aussie Bay.
Nelson to Marlborough Sounds
Didn`t leave Nelson till late after some bike tinkering I had to do aided with the YHA`s ample tool kit and soon enough the rain began. And then it really began. And then the hills began. And then re-began further. And the map was wrong. It said 27km to the turn off to the sounds but in fact it was about 47km. And then it got dark. And I carried on up into the hills thhrough the misty rain and entered a sort of zen like state where my legs sort of seperated form the rest of my body and it was kind of cool in a strange sort of way. Picking my way round the hairpin bends trying to follow the white centre lines so I didn`t inadvertantly cycle off downhill into the forest. Anywayss....finally made to Okiki Bay campground at 11pm and thawed out with a hot shower and eventually put my tent up. Beautiful place and the next day (xmas day) didn`t do very much and had some luxury xmas afternoon tea and a bottle of wine which I was fooled into buying by its big discount. It had a win a $20,000 dream holiday sticker on it which should have warned me really. It was yuck. But never one to stand in the way of alcoholic progress I finished the whole bottle anyway which left me feeling like the village drunk and a bit grumpy.
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Credit/debit card donations now on-line
If you would like to make a donation please click on the link to the right of the page
St Arnaud to Nelson
Relatively easy and short ride to Golden Downs Lodge where I stayed the night with Willy and Rewa and their daughters Rosa and Ashley (It is Ashley isn`t it? Rubbish with names) and their friend Richard. I haven`t seen them for about 5 years. Good folk. Willy made a nice dinner and then we sat outside with a fire and hot chocolate and it was a beautiful clear night with an almost full moon. Another easy ride to Nelson today and i am sat here at the computer in the YHA.
Hamner Springs to St Arnaud - The Rainbow Road
In many ways this was probably the highlight of the trip. The road cuts through the middle of the country and rises to nearly 1400 metres A real grunt at the final bit although I had a tailwind helping me out. Its for 4WD vehicles only and is great on a bike even though Monty`s tyres were a but thin at times (1.35 for my fellow bicyclist nerdys out there) Anyway just awesome. Mountains like mountains on Mars (well they might be) with strange smooth sides. Just huge country and so beautiful and remote. Passed the first 1000km of the trip. Stayed in a great little DOC hut that had 6 bunks in it although I had it to myself and made a fire in the woodburning stove and it was very cosy. Next day was sunny and warm and followed the river out to the main highway although the wind was not in my favour anymore and by the time I got to St Arnaud I was pretty knackered. However the DOC campground by beautiful Lake Rotoiti turned out to have hot showers to my surprise which was extremely welcome as my left foot was numb due to several fords earlier on in the day with some pretty freezing water.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Christchurch to Hanmer Springs
Rather wet start and headed out of Christchurch entirely the wrong way. Anyway went the right way. Not really very interesting until leaving the main highway and then some hills but nice scenery and not much traffic. Camped in a domain in a small town and arrived at Hanmer Springs the next afternoon and made straight for the Hot Springs. The best thing there are the sulphur pools. Camped the night in a campsite in the Forest with a very nice kitchen/lounge and met some other cyclists who gave me some good tips about where to camp for xmas
Stayed at Rolleston House YHA which is always a pleasure. Nice old building and they are a friendly bunch. Didn`t do much really. Went to the cinema and saw the new Tarantino movie, `Deathproof`. Defineately not for everyone but I liked it alot. Had Pizza at Ryan and Katie`s new place and had lunch with Johno from YHA.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Wunderbar - The Coolest bar in Lyttleton and possibly anywhere
Took the little ferry over from the Peninsula to Lyttleton, Christchurch`s port to meet my friends Ryan and Katie. Wunderbar is above a supermarket and you can watch people do their shopping from little windows in the bar. Its also got lots of weird old stuff on the walls and they have two record players behind the bar and so the music is a series of LP`s. Oh and another post box.
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